Dr. Mohd Khanif Yusof (UPM)
Technical Expert – Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU)
He received his education in the field of Agriculture: Dip. Agric. Mal. 1971 (College of Agriculture Malaya), B. Sc. Tropical Agriculture 1973 and M. Sc. Agronomy and Soil Science 1975 (University of Hawaii), Doctorate Agric. Sci. 1983 (Ghent University, Belgium).
He was a lecturer at the UPM 1975, Assoc. Professor (1986-2004) and Professor (2004-2016). He was appointed as Head of the Department of Soil Science, 1987-1991 as the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, 2001-2006 and the first Director of the Institute of Plantation Studies (2014-2016) and was the member of the UPM Senate in 1992-2006 and 2014-2016. He has supervised more than 30 graduate students. He has been involved in research on nitrate pollution, the urea efficiency, and micronutrient in rice production and published in international and local journals. He has organized numerous conferences and often invited as guest speaker in conferences on issues related to agricultural productivity, food security, fertilizer and Agrologist Act.
He has been actively involved in professional and social organizations. He served as the committee member of the Agriculture and Food Sector, ‘Majlis Professor Negara’ (2010 -2016), President of AIM (Agricultural Institute of Malaysia 2007-2013), President of BIM (Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia) 2013-2015 and President of the Malaysian Society of Soil Science (2000-2006), President of ISSAAS 2006-2007 (International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences), President of UPM Academic Staff Association (2000-2001), Current President of the East West Center Alumni Malaysian Chapter, Member of the BIM Board of Management and Protem President of the Alumni Association of Belgian Universities. He was awarded the Paduka Mahkota Perak (PMP) and Fellow of the Malaysian Society of Soil Science (FMSSS). Currently he is attached to UPM, under Skim Amal Putra.